BASECAMP Virtual Networking Events
As part of VOBA’s BASECAMP resources and technical assistance initiative, a series of fall online networking events seek to foster dialogue, build relationships, and exchange information.
Listen to the recordings of VOBA’s BASECAMP virtual networking events and find business support resources.
October 14, 2020: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Work Spaces and Outdoor Places representing Mirna Valerio, Outdoor Gear Exchange, Darn Tough Vermont, CRAG-VT & Unirondack, Skida Headwear & Accessories, and Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports.
Resources and recording (passcode: 7sw@+g34)
October 2, 2020: Winter is Coming - Operations representing Killington Resort, Bolton Valley Resort, Rickert Nordic Center (Ripton), and Pinnacle Ski & Sports (Stowe).
Resources and recording (passcode: 5Ab&5UWS):
Vermont Ski Areas Association, Molly Mahar, President
September 9, 2020: Fishing and Hunting Roundtable involving The Orvis Company/Orvis Adventures (Sunderland) R&L Archery (Barre), Lead & Tackle Company (Lyndonville), Rack N’ Reel Sporting Goods (New Haven), Pelkey’s Archery (St Albans), and The Fly Rod Shop (Stowe).
Resources and recording:
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, Commissioner Louis Porter
September 23, 2020: Outdoor Recreation Economic Recovery and Financing
Resources and recording (passcode: &=muq?92):
The Agency of Commerce and Community Development's Small Business Recovery Technical Assistance Program provides free experts in business operations, financial management, and grant writing; digital strategies; architecture and physical space design; reconfiguring manufacturing equipment and processes and incorporating safety measures; technology and software consulting; and legal, marketing, and other professional services. Joan Goldstein, Commissioner, Department of Economic Development, Agency of Commerce and Community Development
The Vermont Small Business Development Center provides free business advisors, workshops, and planning tools. Heidi Krantz, Business Advisor, Vermont Small Business Development Center
The Vermont Community Loan Fund's TRAILS (Tourism & Recreation Adventure Infrastructure LoanS) Outdoor Recreation Loan Program is available for outdoor recreation borrowers. Daniel Winslow, Director of Business Programs, Vermont Community Loan Fund
The Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) offers low-interest loan programs that fill the financing gap for a commercial start-up or expansion project. Thomas Porter, Director of Commercial Lending, Vermont Economic Development Authority
The Community Capital of Vermont is involved in a Rural Entrepreneurship recovery initiative to fill early and growth-stage capital gaps for Vermont entrepreneurs and provide financial counseling for low-income individuals. Alexander Rob, Executive Director, Community Capital of Vermont
VOBA’s Networking Get-Together series (May - June, 2020) recordings and presenters:
June 11: Marketing and Diversity
Listen to the recording (password: 6r!&=9m&) to hear from MadMotion, Killington Resort, Outdoor Gear Exchange, Vermont Glove, Skida, and Green Mountain Club.
May 28: What’s Working and Event Considerations
Listen to the recording (password: 5z+4l^12) to hear from Pinnacle Outdoor Group, Burton Snowboards, Outdoor Gear Exchange, Lake Morey Resort, Turtle Fur, Sasha Dietschi-Cooper, Vermont Community Loan Fund, WND&WVS, Spartan, Vermont Sun Fitness Centers, Farm to Fork Fitness Adventures, Nor’east Trail Runs, Vermont Sports, Catamount Outdoor Family Center, and Downs Rachlin Martin.
May 14: What’s Working and Best Practices
Listen to the recording (password: 0u@+=Z.#) to hear from Pale Morning Media, Press Forward PR, Burton Snowboards, Bolton Valley Resort, Kaden Apparel, Kingdom Adventures Mountain Guides, Gordini, Skirack, Catamount Outdoor Family Center, and Nor'east Trail Runs.