Fourth Annual Meeting and Outdoor Economy Sessions
November 10, 2022
One hundred representatives from outdoor businesses, organizations, education, funders, and state agencies gathered for VOBA’s Fourth Annual Meeting and Outdoor Economy Sessions on November 10, 2022 at HULA in Burlington to envision Vermont’s future outdoor economy. See the photos below illustrating the networking, education, and strategic discussions related to the outdoor sector in the areas of business development and entrepreneurship, workforce and education, and marketing and communications, as well as approaches to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and recreation infrastructure.
Read the post-event press release with thanks to Maidstone Public Relations
Photos credit: Katie Palatucci, WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM
Kicking off the event was Mark Yardley, Vice President Global Omni Channel of Darn Tough Vermont, who shared data released on November 9 from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis. Outdoor recreation accounted for $862 billion in economic output nationally in 2021, which is larger than oil and gas extraction, mining, and agriculture. In Vermont, value added contributions as a percent of state gross domestic product (GDP) jumped from 3.7% in 2020 to 4.1% in 2021, maintaining Vermont’s third highest ranking in the country.
Miguel Reda, Diversity Lead of Outdoor Gear Exchange described VOBA’s efforts since 2020 to advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion and offered insight to outdoor businesses working on positive change in their work environments and in outdoor places.
Mike Schmidt, Co-Principal of Velocity Sales & Marketing commenced VOBA’s annual membership meeting by reflecting on the value and reward of serving on the VOBA Board of Directors and encouraged others to seek out leadership opportunities to lend their expertise to VOBA and outdoor organizations.
Jordan Jiskra, Finance Director of Burton Snowboards summarized VOBA's financial health and identified financial goalposts for FY23’s operations and initiatives that balance membership revenues and grant awards.
Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development provided opening remarks describing the importance of the outdoor sector to Vermont and Vermonters and identified opportunities for growth, partnership, and success in the coming years.
Drew Simmons, President of Pale Morning Media elicited audience participation in asking whether “outdoor” businesses are unique in their deep connections to local communities and landscapes as well as their placing a high value on relationships and getting together.
Sung-Hee Chung, Executive Director of Powered Magazine described outdoor programs that seek to counter the historic discrimination and inequities faced by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color as well as outdoor sector collaborations working towards equitable access in the outdoors.
Carolyn Weir, Executive Director of the McClure Foundation described a partnership with the Vermont Department of Labor on identifying the state’s most promising jobs that pay above the median wage of $22.50 and are anticipated to be in high demand. Many occupations in the outdoor sector provide career pathways for students and young professionals.
Jen Roberts, Co-Owner of Onion River Outdoors shared the story of the specialty retail store she started with Kip Roberts four years ago, and what was involved in navigating financing and relying on the deep support of the local outdoor community. She sees great opportunity in the state's career and technical education centers as training grounds for bike technicians and trade occupations.
Corinne Prevot, Founder of Skida described the reward of a manufacturing partnership with Fourbital Factory near the Skida office and the networking and mentorship potential for the cluster of outdoor companies located in Burlington as well as across the state.
Fourteen groups met for facilitated strategy sessions on business development, workforce, and marketing with approaches to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion and recreation infrastructure. Business experiences and ideas will inform a trail map for the future outdoor sector and VOBA's role on economic and social impact over the next 5 years. VOBA's strategic planning process is being facilitated by Momentum Consulting and supported by the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board's Rural Economic Development Initiative.
Lisa Lynn, Editor of Vermont Sports / Vermont Ski+Ride Magazines opened the ceremony for VOBA’s Second Annual Patrick Leahy Trailblazer Legacy Award by describing the award that honors the historical and long-lasting contributions of leaders in VT’s outdoor sector.
As last year's recipient, US Senator Leahy presented this year’s award via video to Marc Sherman and Mike Donohue of Outdoor Gear Exchange," stating, “Over the past 30 years, Outdoor Gear Exchange has blazed the trail to build a business that supports their customers, their employees and other Vermont businesses. They've grown and adapted to go beyond what's best for the bottom line, to also do what's best for the industry, Vermont and Vermonters.”
Marc Sherman: "It is a true honor to accept this award from VOBA and Senator Leahy, a legendary Vermonter who has done so much through the years to keep Vermont on the forefront of access, conservation, and responsible growth in the outdoor sector. As the first recipient of the Trailblazer Legacy Award, his shoes are big ones to fill. It is truly humbling to be sharing this award with him."
Mike Donohue: "Our mission has always been to make the outdoors accessible to all. Coming through the pandemic, the value of our outdoor spaces was profound, and we look forward to continuing to make it possible for everyone to have the best times of their lives outside."