Outdoor Businesses and Professions in Vermont
Vermont’s scenic natural beauty and four – season recreation opportunities position every community as an outdoor playground boasting world – class trailheads and waterways out the back door as well as amenity – filled downtowns and villages.
The best part about it? The outdoors extends to the workplace with a robust outdoor sector represented by some of the state’s largest employers such as manufacturers like Darn Tough, Burton Snowboards, and Orvis and resorts like Killington and Bolton Valley. These drivers of the outdoor economy are joined by a highly diversified eco-system of small- to mid-size specialty retailers, lodges, guiding services, marketing firms, photographers, outdoor organizations, and other entrepreneurs providing products and experiences to Vermonters and visitors.
Ready to work in the outdoors? Find resources below or email VOBA at info@vermontoutdoorbusinessalliance.org.
Find resources and incentives: Check out ThinkVermont.com for supports the state of Vermont offers to move to Vermont for the outdoor recreation sector, specifically to work remotely and through the new remote worker program. Additionally, numerous training and financing programs are available for establishing or scaling up a business in the Green Mountain State.
Learn more about the outdoor industry: Search the VOBA business directory of 100 companies that operate throughout the state for more about the gear and apparel they make and services they provide - as well as job opportunities!
Explore Vermont’s outdoor communities: Read about the almost 30 communities heralded as adventure towns, where employers are located and employees enjoy a healthy quality of life. VOBA’s three outdoor guides in Vermont Sports Magazine put the spotlight on places to play, shop, eat, and stay around the state.
Photo: Hulbert Outdoor Center